Even if you don’t believe the Christian Bible, you might want to read some of its stories sometime. You will find a wealth of valuable lessons for staying happy. One thing you will quickly find out is that many of the incidents of strife in the Bible had their roots in what is called envy. Envy is wanting what someone else has and feeling hostile towards that person for having it. If envy is cultivated too long within a person, it can actually manifest itself towards violent acts.
The stories in the Bible concerning envy range from Cain killing his brother Abel because God would not accept his sacrifice, to the brothers of Joseph throwing him into a pit and allowing him to be sold into slavery because they did not like his coat of many colors. These stories start with a seed of envy and end up in violent acts.
If you detect even a bit of envy within yourself, you need to eliminate it because it will only make you into a bitter person. It could be dangerous as well because you may be tempted to take action to try and satisfy your envy against the person you are envious of. You are better off feeling happy for a person who has something you wish you had. And you can rest assured that you will always find someone who has something better than you; so you might as well learn to deal with it.
The best thing to do when you feel you are envious of another is to stop and look at the good things you have. For instance, your friend might have the car you want and all you have is a beat up minivan. However, it could be that your friend is not blessed with children whereas you wouldn’t trade the experiences of hauling yours around in your old minivan for anything.
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