Shabby Miss Jenn

Monday, April 19, 2010

How To Overcome Relationship Problems


Don't Play The Blame Game

To err is human; to forgive is divine. This saying is popular because it applies true to many of our life experiences. It seems that we are born wanting things to be done right. Whenever a problem takes place, we automatically want it solved. Some try so hard to avoid committing mistakes because they don’t want to look stupid or be embarrassed. And when a mistake does get committed, some people do everything within their power to correct the mistake. A few even go as far as to try to trace the root of the problem so they can understand why it happened. Once they identify the root of the problem, they take care of it and make sure it doesn’t become a bother anymore. Sad to say, not all problems are approached in this way. Many people pass on the liability to others.

Don't Point Fingers

One familiar scenario is when you, the parent, for instance, leave the children all to themselves and after a minute, you come back to find a broken jar. What do you think will happen next? Yes, guilty children will be pointing fingers (usually at the innocents), in an attempt to escape scolding. Naturally, there will be violent reactions and fights are next to come. But hold on, this is not just a child thing. Even grown-ups do this -- when a project at work turns into a fiasco, when someone is late for an important meeting or someone fails to attend to responsibilities. Pointing the finger on someone is a good example of a childish habit carried on to adulthood and it breeds distrust among people. Put an end to this and stop blaming one another.

Take Accountability and Accept Mistakes

Accept mistakes because everyone makes them. Take accountability for your actions when something you’re supposed to take care of turns into a mess. If you accidentally left the water boiling on the stove, admit it immediately and apologize. Show that you mean it by being more careful with your actions next time around. This shows how concerned and mature you are. It also shows that taking responsibility over the problem is more important than trying to save face. Always remember that blaming and fighting will only cause broken relationships in the family.


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