Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, May 14, 2010

How To Create Your Happiest Moments


                                                 Spend Time With Each Other

Spending time with each other is one of the best things a family can do to develop much closer relationships with one another. When you dedicate a day or time exclusively for doing things as a family unit, you strengthen family bonds and reinforce acceptance of each person as a vital part of the family.

Have Family Night- Do Things Together

Family time can be spent doing things together, regardless of how big or mundane the tasks are. It can be the whole family trying to build a new greenhouse over several weekends, painting the garage, bathing the family pet, playing game boards or preparing meals together. Family time can be Friday nights when everyone sits at the dinner table and takes turns updating everyone about his or her week.

Help Each Other Learn New Skills

Family time can also be spent teaching a family member your expertise or helping each other learn new skills. Do you have a skill you can teach to another family member? If so, teaching what you know to a younger sibling or an older family member provides great opportunity to get to know them better. The younger generation can share their computer know-how with the older members. Dad or older brother can share their knowledge of car maintenance to the others. Mom, grandma or the older sister can share and exchange recipes, cooking techniques or crafts. Older family members -- such as grandparents -- are great sources of information and knowledge. Oftentimes they possess certain skills that the younger members of the family may be interested to learn.

Create Meaningful Memories

The time spent with family is time spent well. Nothing beats being able to create meaningful memories and building better relationships with the people who matter most to you. Thomas Jefferson once said that the happiest moments of his life were those "which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." When you spend meaningful time with your family, you create your happiest moments, too.

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