And you thought the 'terrible two's" were bad, now your teenager wants to start dating. When it comes to teenager dating many parents will find it somewhat less challenging if all parties involved are well aware of the ground rules and expectations.
When your child enters their teen years, it's time to start talking about what you consider the proper age for dating. The earlier you let your child know what age you think they need to be before they can start dating, the less (hopefully) fighting will occur. Children and parents almost always have different ideas of when they should start dating, but at least if you've talked about it openly for some time, neither of you will feel blindsided.
Here are some great tips to keep your teen safe when they begin dating:
1. Make it very clear to your teen what your expectations are as to the type of dates they are allowed to go on. For example, if your teen is only allowed to go on dates with another couple(s) make sure they, and their date, know that.
2. Be very clear as to what time their curfew is as well as what the punishment will be if they are late. Again, make sure their date knows this as well.
3. Make sure your teen never leaves the house without a cell phone and some money.
4. Make sure you always keep the lines of communication open with your teen and let them know that if they get themselves in a jam, they should call you and you will come and get them no questions asked (at least not until you are both safely home).
5. Even though some parents find it hard to do, make sure that your child has knowledge about sex and the consequences of sex such as STD's and pregnancy. Being a parent means you can't be a wimp, if you feel uncomfortable talking to your teen about these issues, too bad, get over it. The life you save may be your kid's!
6. Also, explain the dangers of drinking or doing drugs specifically in the context of dating. Make sure your teen understands that if they drink and drive they could kill themselves or one of their friends. Also make sure they understand that being drunk or high can impair their judgment when it comes to things like having sex.
7. Make sure that you meet their date. You don't need to grill them, but just some polite conversation is fine as well as a friendly reminder of what your expectations are when it comes to curfews, acceptable places to go, etc.
8. And last, but not least, let your kid know you love them and even though you worry about them that it doesn't mean you don't trust them. Just let them know that you will be there for them no matter what and if they ever need to talk to you, just listen.
When you have kids, the scary changes just seem to keep on coming at you and teenager dating is one of those changes. The best thing you can do to help your teenager get through this time is to try to keep communication lines open no matter what. Believe it or not, more often than not they really are listening.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Teenager Dating - 8 Tips For Peace Of Mind
Monday, June 21, 2010
Getting Your Ex Back After A Breakup
Get Your Guy Back After A Break Up
Things can be difficult to deal with after breaking up with a guy, and it doesn't matter if you broke up with him, or he broke up with you. Either way, you just don't feel like yourself, there's an emptiness that only you can understand, and you would like nothing more than to feel somewhat normal again. Maybe you have decided the only way to make that happen is to get your guy back.
As promising as that sounds, you need to understand that getting back together is usually harder than most people think. After all, there was some reason that you two broke up. Somebody wanted it to end. It's always better to try to save a relationship while you are in it, but there is still hope if that isn't the case.
Yes, it really is possible to be together again. It may not happen, it won't be easy, but it is possible. However, before you do anything else, you have to be 100% certain that this is what you really want to do. You will also need to be sure that you have the right reasons for getting him back. In other words, don't try to patch things up just because you think that's what you're supposed to - you need better reasons than that.
Listen up! This next point may sound a bit outdated, but it's true. You need to make sure your emotions are under control before you try to get your ex back. Let's face it, guys are not as geared to handling emotions as they can be.
That means it will be up to you to come to terms with much of what you're going through. Things will go much smoother if you don't shut the guy down by being overly-emotional. As mentioned, it may not be easy, but it can be done.
The next thing you need to do is start living your own life again. Yes, you want your guy back, but you are not a couple again right now. So, you need to show him that you are doing fine and are handling things like a well-balanced individual.
If you do the above things right, and it leaves a positive impression on your ex, then it won't be long before he tries to get in contact with you. Be careful. Your tendency at this point may be to pour your heart out, to beg, to make empty promises, and so on. Don't do it. Continue being calm and rational. Think of it this way, if the things you were doing led to him talking to you again, then it makes sense to keep doing them.
Doing the things above will give you the best chance of how to get your guy back. While they may be difficult to do, it will be easier to do them when you are able to keep the end result in mind. There are no guarantees in life, but you can stack the deck in your favor. All it takes is making the decision and doing what needs to be done, and before you know it, you will be happier than ever.
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Saturday, June 12, 2010
Right Way To Getting Your Ex Back
Get Your Ex Back
Have you just gone through a break up? And are you now wondering how to get an ex back? If so, you are not alone. Virtually everybody has broken up with someone at one point or another. However, most of those people decided to move on instead of trying to get back together with an ex. But, those people aren't you.
If you are ready to do what it takes and willing to do a little work to get your ex back, then there is hope for you and your situation. To put it simply, being broken up doesn't mean you can't get back together.
Even though it may seem impossible right now, in the vast majority of cases, there is no real reason why both parties can't work through their issues and be a couple again. The key is knowing what steps are needed to win your ex back.
Before you do anything else, it is absolutely essential that you uncover the real reason why you broke up. This is harder than it sounds. That's because the first few reasons you think of, are likely not the real reasons.
You need to do some digging to get to the underlying causes that led to splitting up. While you can't go back in time to change things to prevent the break up, you can learn from the past, but only to the degree that you are able to find the true cause of what went wrong.
One single event may have been the cause of your break up. But more often than not it's a series of events or behaviors that have accumulated until they reached the boiling point that caused you to split. Regardless, it's going to take some work to get to the bottom of things.
And you have to do so before you can move forward. Sure, you may be able to take shortcuts to get your ex back, but you will only be headed towards trouble again. If you're going to make an effort to get back together, you may as well do it right and be in a longer term relationship.
The next step to getting your ex back is to not appear as being needy. When you want to get back together, you want to do it now. There is a tendency for people in this situation to wear their heart on their sleeve, and be overly emotional. You will do much better if you appear confident and well-adjusted than if you appear to be an emotional wreck. To put it another way, confidence will be more appealing to your ex than fragility.
Finally, do not play games. A lot of people will tell you to get even with your ex, or try to make them jealous. That's not only immature, it's also manipulative and not the kind of foundation to build a renewed relationship on. Also, it sends a strong signal that you are not well-adjusted. Who would want to be with somebody who's going to manipulate them into doing things they don't want?
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Gettng Your Ex Back
You Really Can Win Back Lost Love
If you are reading this article, then it's probably safe to assume you have recently gone through a break up. It's also a safe assumption that you are either ready to be single and move on with your life, or you want to know how to win back lost love. There is also a good chance that you sometimes waver in these feelings and aren't sure what to do.
Whatever you are going through, it may help to know that you are not alone and millions of people before have gone through the same thing. What does that have to do with you? Well, these are the people who learned from their mistakes. This means you can follow their time-tested advice and not have to make unnecessary mistakes of your own.
Before you start trying to win back your ex, you need to be honest with yourself. You have to be as objective as possible and ask yourself if you really want to get back together with them. Your initial reaction may be, "of course I want them back!"
But take some time to dig deeper. Perhaps you just don't want to be alone. Or maybe you are more interested in the idea of being in love. Don't feel bad if you ultimately decide to stay apart. Better to know it now than to move forward on false pretenses.
For the rest of this article, we will further assume that you want to win back lost love. In that case, one of the first things you must do is apologize for your past mistakes. This can be tricky if you're not sure what they are. Even if you have said you're sorry numerous times, keep trying.
Again, do some digging, some soul searching and you should be able to uncover the things you need to apologize for. Also, be sure that your apology is sincere. In other words, apologize because you want to, not because you think you're "supposed to".
If it was your ex who did wrong, then an apology would be great, but don't expect one. It may or may not happen, and if you want them back, you can't wait forever. Instead, you will need to forgive them.
You don't necessarily have to forget, but you won't hold their past actions against them; though you may watch for certain signs of trouble in the future. However, be careful that this comes from a place of logic and doesn't evolve into mistrust. True forgiveness can be difficult, but will go a long way towards keeping your future relationship harmonious.
Finally, be willing to make any needed changes to make things work. But don't go so far that you lose who you are, or to the point of being phony. You need to love each other for who you are. And, if you follow the tips above, and do things right then you will a very satisfying answer to the question of how to win back an ex.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Mature Dating Top Tips
Three Top Tips For Mature Dating
Younger people often think that retiring from a career means retiring from everything else; that you can't have fun, that you can't have a social life, that you aren't interested in companionship. Hogwash! One of the fastest growing trends of today is mature dating. It wasn't all that long ago that people in their upper sixties were starting to be shunted off to the dreaded old folk's home.
But with new advances in medicine, today's seniors are more health and vibrant than ever; delaying a potential stay in a nursing home by several decades. In fact, even the concept of where older people go has changed substantially. Instead of being in a cold hospital like setting, thriving and active retirement communities that focus on social activities and fun. People are not only living longer, but they are happier as they do.
Perhaps you are a senior who has been away from the social scene for many years, and you're concerned that you have been left behind. There's no need to worry. At the same time, it's perfectly natural to be a bit hesitant when it comes to dating again. Even if you're feeling a somewhat "rusty", you shouldn't let that stop you from jumping right back into it. Here are three tips for mature dating to make things easier for you.
1. Less pressure
While it may not seem this way at first, there is a lot less external pressure. If you're retired, then your career and work schedule aren't going to get into the way like they would have before. Chances are good that all of your children are out of the house, so you don't have to try to find a babysitter every time you want to go out.
And, best of all, you know much more now than you did back then. You are better primed to handle different dating situations. Includeding, but not limited too, avoiding some of the drama typically faced by teenagers; when they start dating. While dating can put pressure on anybody, at least you are free of many other pressures that compound those feelings.
2. Age doesn't matter
As it's been said, "age ain't nothing but a number". While that may not be grammatically correct, the idea behind it is true. Another phrase that's just as true is, "you're only as old as you feel". Keep both of these ideas in mind.
Those thoughts can be quite freeing and allow you to go into mature dating with a more youthful zeal. Be happy! Have a great time. You worked hard all your life, and now it's time to reap the rewards! Dating seniors doesn't mean you have to go to the old folk's home top play bingo (unless you really enjoy it).
Instead, you can try to do more active things together. Live it up. Age should not be the main factor in deciding what you should or shouldn't do when it comes to activities for dates.
3. Embrace technology
To be fair, more seniors are using technology than in the past. Computers, cell phones, the internet and more can all be used to find new relationships. If you aren't using these things already, take a course or have somebody teach you. It's easy to learn, and very handy when it comes to dating. Besides, there's a good chance the people you would be interested in dating are already using these technologies.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Spouse Relationship Issues
Relationship With Spouse Issues - Real Or Imangined The relationship with a spouse is something that, like all relationships, needs to be worked on every day, and often re-evaluated and re-assessed by both parties, both individually, and together. One of the most common occurrences in a marriage that has survived for a long time, is that the spouses expect each other to react or behave as they do. This is actually quite ironic, really, when you think back to when you first met. Not always, but often, your now-spouse, then new-love, was very different from you, and you liked that. In fact, that may be a good part of the reason that you ended up getting married in the first place. But as married life settles in, the relationship with spouse evolves, and the day to day routine replaces a more impromtu lifestyle, you start to act like your spouse should be an extension of yourself in some way. Copying of Contents, in whole or in part, is permitted provided the article remains intact and unchanged. Hyperlinks and/or URLs provided must also remain active. For more information, to visit or make contact click here
This can start out small, and eventually snowball so that it infiltrates your whole relationship. When you first fell in love, you were genuinely happy to make sacrifices to please your new partner. So, you would gladly stay in when you wanted to go out dancing, or you would be happy to get up early to go jogging, even if you had had a late night the night before. But as time wears on, you start doing instead what you want to do, regardless if that is what your husband or wife would like. And, you start to expect that he or she does what you want to do, or even worse, expect that he or she likes doing it.
While spouses may continue to be giving, what they may actually do is start giving what they would like to receive, rather than what their spouse really wants. So, you have the receiver who is upset because he or she is getting something that is completely unwanted, and the giver is equally upset and offended because the seemingly precious gift is being rejected.
There are some relatively easy ways to get over this behavior of expecting your spouse to be like you. First of all, you need to admit or recognize that you are doing it. It may have crept up on you so slowly and silently over the years, that you didn't even realize it. The next step is to make sure you are communicating. Are you asking your spouse what he or she wants? Is he or she asking what you want? Or are you just assuming the answers based on your own desires and needs.
The relationship with spouse is definitely a valuable relationship that has its own dynamics can trials. Reminding yourself that your spouse is not just an extension of you is a good thing. It allows you to enjoy the experience of loving another unique person, who can teach you a great deal if you just pay attention.
Monday, June 7, 2010
how To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back 5 Simple Ways
Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back
If you have been apart for any amount of time, then you know how difficult it can be to get your ex boyfriend back after a break up. It's unfortunate, but the vast majority of people will never get back together again. However, that's not their fault as they aren't issued a manual on how to deal with a break up once they start dating. The good news is that there are a few tricks that you can use to get him back again. Use the following tips to help you get your ex boyfriend back.
1 - The first thing you must do if you want to be together with your ex boyfriend is to think clearly. Don't let your feelings get the better of you. Be happy, positive, confident and well-grounded. It may take a while, and it isn't easy to do, but it's an absolute necessity if you are serious about patching things up. to get back is to get your head straight.
2 - Focus on the present. Even in the best case scenario of getting back together, you have to realize that your relationship can never be the same as it was. That doesn't mean it will be better or worse, but it will be different. Nobody has a functioning time machine, so the only thing you can do is make the present as good as it can be to increase the chances of a happier future. Besides, if things were really that great before, you wouldn't have broken up.
3 - Don't be a pest. This tip isn't all that easy, either, but it's important. As a general rule, ex boyfriends don't like to be obsessed over. You may miss him dearly, and want to see his face or hear is voice, but resist that temptation. The trick is to give him the space and time he needs to start thinking about you in a positive way again. If you pester him too much, you will most likely push him away...forever.
4 - Become desirable. This may sound distasteful to some, but let's face it, men are fairly simple creatures. Get a new look and you may turn his head again. Also, looking your best is a great way to boost your self confidence, and that's more appealing than just about anything else. Don't think of it as being superficial, but rather as changing your outward appearance to change your concept of self.
5 - Slow down. The first four tips we covered will put the odds in your favor of getting your ex boyfriend back. You may be so thrilled at this prospect that you start gushing about how great things will be, how much you have changed, how you're willing to do whatever it takes, calling all your girlfriends to let them know, and, and...STOP! Slow down!
Don't force things. Let them take their natural course by taking it easy. After all, you don't want to lose him now that you got him back.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Saving A Relationship
3 Simple Steps To Saving A Relationship
There is no question that being involved in a good relationship can be a wonderful and rewarding experience. You feel so happy, so content, so fulfilled that you can't ask for more. On the other hand, being involved in a relationship that you know is headed for trouble, or about to end can be devastating and shocking to think about.
There is a good chance that you will feel all alone, sad or possibly act in an irrational manner. So, if you find your previously good relationship is now in trouble, then you have to take action right away and do what you can to keep your love alive and to get your relationship back on track. In reality, there's no excuse for not trying to make things better because there are tons of resources readily available to help you patch things up. If your relationship is at a point that it needs saving, then these tips will help you to get started:
1. Identify The Problem
The first step in saving any relationship is finding out what the root cause of the problem is. Every relationship will have its own fair share of problems. The only difference is how severe they are, and how willing each partner is in fixing or not being irritated by them. However, even small problems can lead to a break up if one partner isn't aware of their impact on the other. That's why it is so important to find out what those problems are in your relationship. After all, you can't fix something if you don't know its broken.
2. Communicate! Communicate! Communicate!
It takes two people for there to be true love. While it may not always be easy, this means you need to talk over the problems you have found. Your significant other may also have concerns they would like to share. Do not argue. Instead, be appreciative that these things are being brought to your attention, and that it's the only way to work toward a happy solution. It doesn't matter if you've been seeing each other for a few weeks, or a few years. Good communication is critical at every point in healthy relationships.
3. Love At The Forefront.
Love is what holds everything together. Sometimes it takes work to prevent feelings of dislike from creeping in and taking hold. Do whatever you can to give love its proper place at the forefront of your relationship. When all is said and done, love is a powerful force that can turn the most sour relationships into wonderful, happy ones. As long as there is even a hint of love, it will be possible to turn things around for the better.
There is no doubt that it's completely possible to save a relationship. Make note of the tips mentioned above and use them. While you can't force somebody to stay with you, knowing how to make things better will increase the odds that they will want to stay. Wouldn't you rather stay in a loving relationship than a negative one? Who wouldn't?
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Spouse Relationship Issues
Relationship With Spouse Issues - Real Or Imangined The relationship with a spouse is something that, like all relationships, needs to be worked on every day, and often re-evaluated and re-assessed by both parties, both individually, and together. One of the most common occurrences in a marriage that has survived for a long time, is that the spouses expect each other to react or behave as they do. This is actually quite ironic, really, when you think back to when you first met. Not always, but often, your now-spouse, then new-love, was very different from you, and you liked that. In fact, that may be a good part of the reason that you ended up getting married in the first place. But as married life settles in, the relationship with spouse evolves, and the day to day routine replaces a more impromtu lifestyle, you start to act like your spouse should be an extension of yourself in some way. Copying of Contents, in whole or in part, is permitted provided the article remains intact and unchanged. Hyperlinks and/or URLs provided must also remain active. For more information, to visit or make contact click here
This can start out small, and eventually snowball so that it infiltrates your whole relationship. When you first fell in love, you were genuinely happy to make sacrifices to please your new partner. So, you would gladly stay in when you wanted to go out dancing, or you would be happy to get up early to go jogging, even if you had had a late night the night before. But as time wears on, you start doing instead what you want to do, regardless if that is what your husband or wife would like. And, you start to expect that he or she does what you want to do, or even worse, expect that he or she likes doing it.
While spouses may continue to be giving, what they may actually do is start giving what they would like to receive, rather than what their spouse really wants. So, you have the receiver who is upset because he or she is getting something that is completely unwanted, and the giver is equally upset and offended because the seemingly precious gift is being rejected.
There are some relatively easy ways to get over this behavior of expecting your spouse to be like you. First of all, you need to admit or recognize that you are doing it. It may have crept up on you so slowly and silently over the years, that you didn't even realize it. The next step is to make sure you are communicating. Are you asking your spouse what he or she wants? Is he or she asking what you want? Or are you just assuming the answers based on your own desires and needs.
The relationship with spouse is definitely a valuable relationship that has its own dynamics can trials. Reminding yourself that your spouse is not just an extension of you is a good thing. It allows you to enjoy the experience of loving another unique person, who can teach you a great deal if you just pay attention.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Seniors Dating And You
Senior Relationships, Dating ,And You
If you are ready to make the most of them, your post-retirement years can be the most exciting and fun years of your life. As far as dating and senior relationships go, to be successful really comes down to not limiting yourself. Even though you may be focused on now being in the latter stage of life, you can live life to the fullest when you let go of any anxiety and fear and are open to new experiences.
A 64 year old, former nurse named Dorothy lost her husband to cancer relates, "I was always worried about how people would react to my dating again, what they'd think. My husband and I were married more than forty years, and I just knew it would raise eyebrows amongst my family if I started going out again. I ended up meeting a nice man, whom I dated in secret for nine months. The funny thing is that I had no need to be nervous. My family was actually glad to hear I was happy."
Like many seniors, Dorothy was concerned with how others would think of her dating "at her age". The sad thing is that these false concerns about the reactions of family and friends can slow down, or stop seniors from dating. To be fair, there will be cases when family and friends react negatively to people sixty and over dating. But this usually isn't anything personal. However, in most cases, once family and friends find out, they will actually encourage you to date more. After all, they do want to see you happy.
Another chief concern is in cases where the dating senior lost their spouse. In these cases it's best to give it as much time as you need, and then understand that dating takes nothing away from the love you had, and still have, for your departed spouse. There is no question that they would want you to be happy as well.
"After my wife passed away, I really thought that was all for me," says retired golf pro John. "I loved her so much, and thought I would be dishonoring her memory if I started dating. I figured I would just quit thinking of trying to find another woman I would be willing to share my life. But, then, it happened. I met the ideal woman and I was back in a loving relationship again."
The idea of not limiting yourself, as mentioned earlier, is what John's story illustrates. It really is possible to fall in love again, but only if you are open to the idea. Losing a spouse is heartbreaking, but meeting somebody new doesn't negate anything special you once had. Age isn't a determining factor when it comes to basic human needs, and being in a loving relationship is one of those needs.
Dorothy and John were both hesitant about dating at over sixty years of age. Those feelings are common, but by overcoming them, they started dating again and were able to find happiness again.
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Breakfast The Most Important Meal
When I was a kid, my mom used to tell me to eat my breakfast because it is the most important meal within the day. She also told me to eat like a King during breakfast time. Now, history repeats itself. But instead of my mom scolding me about breakfast, I am now the one convincing my child to eat his breakfast.
I myself hate breakfast during my younger years but as I grew older, I have realized its importance. I have learned that breakfast helps in refueling the body and can be a good source of energy for the day for the body to last longer on the day’s activity.
As a child, we usually sleep for eight to ten hours a day. During those hours, our body is functioning continuously. Thus, as we wake up in the morning, we are already exhausted without enough energy for that day. Eating breakfast helps in restoring the nutrients end energy that has been lost during our sleeping time
Breakfast eating is also a good way to maintain the body’s weight. How? Because breakfast is the one responsible for kicking the metabolism of our body during morning. Thus, the body can start burning calories. On the other hand, skipping breakfast can be a factor to become overweight since you will tend eat high calorie snacks or even have a sumptuous lunch.
In addition to that, eating breakfast can be a great help in improving the brain of the child. Of course that will happen if we will give our child the right foods and nutrition for him to cope up with his studies. Eating breakfast that is rich in fiber, protein and whole grains may boost the attention lifespan, concentration and memory of your child,
Moreover, I have also found out that aside from weight management, eating breakfast is also responsible for lowering the blood cholesterol level as well as hunger complaints and school absences. Thus, I am making sure that my child will get the proper nutrition he needs by providing him the right foods on the first hour of the day.
Wondering what foods to serve your child for breakfast? Well, I already have nutritious foods in mind for him like a whole-grain cereal with milk and fruits and yogurt, a whole wheat pita with eggs being stuffed with it, a whole grain bagel with peanut butter, fruits and milk, an omelet with vegetables and a whole wheat bread with apple juice and more.
The most important thing is to include food sources that are rich in carbohydrates, protein, and fiber since they contain the immediate energy needed by the body. In addition to the pointers, you should also know the foods that shouldn’t be served for breakfast like toaster pastries, breakfast bars, candies, chocolates, and alike. They contain no nutrients so better avoid throwing them in your shopping cart.
Thus, better encourage your child to eat their breakfast. In order to do that, we must live by example.
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Dating Seniors Relationships
Over Sixty Dating For Seniors
Not all that many years ago, people were considered quite old when they reached the age of sixty. In the past, those over sixty would be swept under the proverbial rug, that's no longer the case. Now, more seniors than ever are staying fit and active.
Add to that the major advances in nutrition and medicine and people are having a high quality of life as they get older. When compared to previous generations, senior citizens of today are much more vibrant and vital. But what if you are about that age and are looking for a romantic partner? To put it simply, over sixty dating can be a rewarding and a very fun experience.
According to Wendell K. Cribbs, the renowned internet author and relationship expert, no matter how old we are, dating and relationships are vital to a happy personal life and positive mental attitude. We need to foster intimate relationships, in spite of any anxiety or fear, and regardless of our age. In fact, the majority of the feelings of hesitancy are not based on fact or actual experience, but are rather contrived within their own mind.
To paraphrase Cribbs, he goes on to say, "Over sixty dating isn't something anyone has to be afraid of. To be sure, senior dating can be both fun and exciting. As we near retirement age, many of the problems faced by younger people that are dating are not much of a concern for seniors, if they are present at all. Choosing a career, starting a family, and many other issues just don't get in the way. That's one of the main reasons why over sixty dating can be more relaxed and not have as much pressure attached to it.
A sixty-six-year-old former office manager named Robert is happy being a part of the over sixty dating scene, but he didn't always feel that way. He explains that dating at 66 is more fun and has much less pressure than when he was younger. He further adds that he dated his wife for six years before they got married. And how things were more serious for them at that time.
They were happy and had good times together. When she passed away he said he wanted to "hide in my apartment" and had no desire to become involved with anybody ever again. But after about half a year, those close to Robert encouraged him to put aside his feelings of apprehension and get back into the social scene.
Cribbs explains that Robert's case is similar to many of those who are new to over sixty dating. He adds that trepidation and nervousness will be there at some level associated with dating again. While they all have plenty of life experience, most of them have been happily married for many, many years. This can make things a bit unsettling at first.
All of this is reassuring for any senior that wishes to establish a new and potentially loving relationship through over sixty dating. As the poet once said, "life is how you make it", and that's true no matter how young at heart you are.
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Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Dating-Older Men Younger Women
The Truth About Older Men Dating Younger Women
Ah yes...the May December romance. For those that are not familiar with this phrase, it refers to a younger woman that is dating an older man. It alludes to the gap on the calendar between the ages of each partner. While these types of relationships have always been around, it seems as though they are even more prevalent in this day and age.
Younger men with older women are also becoming more common. Perhaps it's just a matter of people looking for their best match, regardless of age. However, there will always be those who don't agree with such relationships.
For the most part, when a younger woman is dating an older man, the woman is looking for something. Of course, at some level, the older man is, too, but in general terms (there are always exceptions) it's the younger partner that has more of a reason for being with the older one. The disparity in age can vary, but it generally needs to be more than ten years, relative to the woman's age, before it will be labeled as a May December romance and raise eyebrows among less enlightened people.
It may sound a bit old-fashioned, but it's not uncommon for younger women to be looking for a potential husband. Let's face it, men tend to mature at a slower rate than most women. For this reason, a man that is several years older than a woman will usually have the things she is seeking in a mate.
Things like false bravado are not nearly as appealing as a deep-seated confidence and stability. Other qualities they may latch onto are the ability to support her and their future family, inner strength, and being able to look at things in the long term. In short, the woman is looking for the type of man she can be comfortable settling down with. Whether the man wants this or not doesn't matter so much when this is the reason behind the relationship. (There are many other reasons for such relationships, though.)
It just so happens that most of the traits women are looking for in men are more present in men that are older. And even if it isn't really the case, the perception that older men are better providers, more mature and more civilized is still widespread. This is why older men dating younger women has been around for as long as it has, and it seems it is more popular today than it ever has been before. At the same time, the men get something out of the relationship, too...a younger woman. Even in the modern world, people equate youth with beauty and fun; that's what the older man gets from the unspoken bargain.
As long as we discussed the idea of younger women being interested in marriage, it should be noted that not all men are looking for the ideal wife when they are dating younger women. Though it is somewhat rare, older men dating younger women can actually lead to true love. Ultimately, regardless of how long such relationships last, both parties get something they need from it.
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