Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Breakfast The Most Important Meal

Breakfast: An Important Meal

When I was a kid, my mom used to tell me to eat my breakfast because it is the most important meal within the day. She also told me to eat like a King during breakfast time. Now, history repeats itself. But instead of my mom scolding me about breakfast, I am now the one convincing my child to eat his breakfast.

I myself hate breakfast during my younger years but as I grew older, I have realized its importance. I have learned that breakfast helps in refueling the body and can be a good source of energy for the day for the body to last longer on the day’s activity.

As a child, we usually sleep for eight to ten hours a day. During those hours, our body is functioning continuously. Thus, as we wake up in the morning, we are already exhausted without enough energy for that day. Eating breakfast helps in restoring the nutrients end energy that has been lost during our sleeping time

Breakfast eating is also a good way to maintain the body’s weight. How? Because breakfast is the one responsible for kicking the metabolism of our body during morning. Thus, the body can start burning calories. On the other hand, skipping breakfast can be a factor to become overweight since you will tend eat high calorie snacks or even have a sumptuous lunch.

In addition to that, eating breakfast can be a great help in improving the brain of the child. Of course that will happen if we will give our child the right foods and nutrition for him to cope up with his studies.  Eating breakfast that is rich in fiber, protein and whole grains may boost the attention lifespan, concentration and memory of your child,

Moreover, I have also found out that aside from weight management, eating breakfast is also responsible for lowering the blood cholesterol level as well as hunger complaints and school absences. Thus, I am making sure that my child will get the proper nutrition he needs by providing him the right foods on the first hour of the day.

 Wondering what foods to serve your child for breakfast? Well, I already have nutritious foods in mind for him like a whole-grain cereal with milk and fruits and yogurt, a whole wheat pita with eggs being stuffed with it, a whole grain bagel with peanut butter, fruits and milk, an omelet with vegetables and a whole wheat bread with apple juice and more.

The most important thing is to include food sources that are rich in carbohydrates, protein, and fiber since they contain the immediate energy needed by the body. In addition to the pointers, you should also know the foods that shouldn’t be served for breakfast like toaster pastries, breakfast bars, candies, chocolates, and alike. They contain no nutrients so better avoid throwing them in your shopping cart.

Thus, better encourage your child to eat their breakfast. In order to do that, we must live by example.



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