Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, July 2, 2010

When You Or Your Partner is Bisexual 120x90- Find Your Dream Date

Are You Or Your Partner Bisexual?

It seems that in today’s world people are freer than ever to be who they really are and to admit to having thoughts and desires that not so long age were considered taboo by many. Bisexuality is now a lifestyle that many people freely enjoy. But when it comes to meeting and dating a partner that is bisexual one can only wonder if it is possible to ever completely satisfy his or her needs. And if you happen to be the partner with these desires you may find that you are asked to make some unpleasant choices if a relationship is to survive and thrive. The truth is that being attracted to both sexes is very common. But there are misunderstandings about what this really means. An attraction does not always mean that an individual is going to act on that desire. In fact, one may never do anything more than simply ‘admire’ or ‘love from a distance’ when it comes to members of the same sex.

While some individuals may be secretly holding themselves back from acting on this same sex attraction for fear of what others may think, etc., others are not looking for a real same sex relationship, although they do not deny the attraction. In fact, some individuals will simply enjoy extremely close same sex friendships in order to satisfy this type of attraction. But if you are dating someone that confirms they are bisexual, then you should be prepared to accept the fact that he or she will not be completely fulfilled if their only sexual encounters happen with you. However, it is important to note that most bisexuals do enjoy being involved in a committed and long lasting relationship. The ground rules just may be a little different than what is considered to be the ‘norm’ for other relationships. Some couples adjust to this difference quite easily. In fact, many swingers are bisexuals.

Some people are simply bi-curious. They are curious about the idea of having sexual relations with members of the same sex. In which case, these individuals are not confirmed bisexuals, but experimentation may reveal that bisexuality is their lifestyle of choice. Because bisexuality is becoming increasingly accepted as a way of life, finding accepting partners is also becoming easier. In fact, now days there are countless forums, chat rooms, social networking sites and even online dating sites that are geared specifically toward bisexual audiences.

If you happen to have bisexual tendencies and you meet a partner that you want to have a lasting relationship with – it is very important that you share this information with him or her. After all, at some point you will probably want to be with a different partner in order to satisfy your sexual desires. If you have kept this part of you a secret, it is likely that over time it could ruin your relationship. On the other hand, if you share this attraction with a new partner chances are that he or she will accept your bisexuality as just another part of you and who you are and it could possibly enhance your relationship in some way. And if a new partner simply cannot accept you for who you really are, then your relationship really doesn’t have a solid foundation.

Some of us are simply more open minded when it comes to sexuality than others. And some people have strong religious beliefs that prohibit thoughts of such things as same sex attractions, etc. The differences between various groups of people are what make the world an interesting place to live. The trick is finding a partner that is compatible with you and your unique ways. - Are you Single?


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