Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, May 26, 2010



 Money And Relationships

Any relationships will work depending on the maturity, honesty; self-awareness; trust; respect; and can communicate with one another and are willing to seek and accept advice from elders. If the couple’s determination is to make their goal of marriage last a lifetime, it can work if they follow some suggestions.

Having these qualities are all very admirable but the environment plays an important factor for the individual. The environments are the future in-laws; his education; friends at work, family friends, school friends; acquaintances; and his family background. The environment is the most influential factor for a person who does not know how to identify or analyze problems.

The couple should understand the concern of the environment which are: the in-laws; trusted friends and family friends. They should hear all the pros and cons of their advice because they know their character; attitudes and sincerity of the person. The couple should try to analyze; comprehend all the advices given to them as marriage is a union of two different personalities with different attitudes; upbringing and family background. One can just not rely on 100% emotion. The elders or more mature members of the family are more experienced in the situation of marriage and know what married life is. Life is full of trials, problems; happy moments, disappointments; heart breaks; and one must know how to deal; mend and improve the situation. When going into any relationship their goal is marriage. The couple must always think ahead and communicate on financial situations; children; family; and work. Never leave this topic for last or when married already. You may have a problem and would not know how to handle it as for pride anger and hatred has consumed the both of you.

The couple must realize that coming from different income levels can or may not cause a problem depending how sincere is their intention and commitment to one another. First of all each one of them must check out what made them fall for each other.  The couples must list down what qualities they admire and want of each other and at the same time list down the not good qualities each have. They also must do another list of what their expectations are in finances; children; schooling of children; medical of themselves and children and if they have to support any of their parent’s , sisters or brother; doing chores in the house; friends; where to live; and expenses. Each one of them must be sincerely honest of themselves in doing this before marriage. The couple must not be ashamed or embarrassed to express their feelings on these topics as these are the reality of life which can make or break their relationship and marriage.

Couples should never jump into a decision of marriage without asking for advice from more mature family members that have experienced more of life; communicating with each other on topics of finances; children, and obligations to be done when getting married. Relationships must be based also in understanding; honesty; trust; recognize each other’s shortcoming and know how to remove or improve to become a better you; and accepting faults. The couple must always look inside themselves for enlightenment and discernment for their relationship and future marriage to last. No matter how mature or how old the couples are, they should always ask for advice from those they trust who have known each one of them since birth and as grown-ups. They have a lot to learn of what are the pains and the happy moments of married life. Love and romance is a wonderful feeling but one must know how to nurture it constantly to last a lifetime.

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